Terms & Conditions

In making a booking for a Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats by phone, post or online, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Terms and conditions

All participants must make themselves aware of the terms and conditions and accept the risks associated with the course activities; each guest must be responsible for ensuring they have the appropriate personal accident, travel and health insurance for the full duration of the retreat.


A booking at Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats is confirmed with a non-refundable deposit of $1000.
A booking is confirmed in writing either by email, if you don’t have one, your booking is not confirmed.
Unpaid or late balances may be treated as a cancellation. If we do not receive your balance when its due, we reserve the right to offer the place to someone else.
The booking conditions can only be varied by written agreement between Catherine Deveny and the client (you).
Please Note: Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats reserves the right to decline any booking at her discretion

Cancellations for full Gunnas International Writing Retreats

In the event of cancellation by the client unless extenuating circumstances apply (you will need to make an application in writing) the following refund fees, minus the non-refundable deposit consist of the following:
Cancellation less than 4 weeks prior to the commencement of the retreat = no refund
Cancellation 4-8 weeks prior to the commencement of the retreat = 75% refund
Cancellation 8+ weeks prior to the commencement of the retreat = full refund less deposit.
A transfer to another booking is at the discretion of Catherine Deveny and subject to availability.
In the event of cancellation by Catherine Deveny Gunnas Weekend Writing Retreats the client will be offered a full refund or to transfer the booking to another date subject to availability.

Payment Plans

Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats offers payment plans which will be in writing and negotiated with Catherine Deveny
All payment plans require monthly payments to be made.
All payment plans must be finalised eight (8) weeks prior to the commencement of the retreat
All payment plans are subject to the non-refundable fee of $1000.
Please note: Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats reserves the right to decline any booking at her discretion.


All prices are per person and are sold subject to availability.

Dietary Requirements

It is your responsibility to ensure that all relevant information regarding dietary requirements, including allergies and intolerances and any medical instructions in case of an emergency are made known to Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats at the time of booking.
Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats accepts no liability for any undisclosed dietary requirement.
Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats accepts no liability for any situation arising from a dietary requirement or reaction occasioned by the negligence, act or omission of any supplier or third party.


Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats is not responsible for flight costs under any circumstances.


Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats has no liability for any act, omission or default, whether negligent or otherwise of airlines, car rental operators, hoteliers, Air BnB or any other accommodation suppliers, caterers or any other supplier.
Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats has no liability for any loss or damage occasioned by the negligence, act or omission of any supplier or third party.
Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats reserves the right to cancel or modify itineraries or bookings where circumstances require.
In circumstances where Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats cannot be excluded, such liability is limited to the value of the purchased retreat minus transport (flight, road or rail).
All day time and night time activities organised for you by Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats are undertaken at your own risk, we accept no responsibility or liability for any loss, illness, personal injury or death caused to you or a fellow participant.

Force Majeure

Any act, event, omission or accident beyond Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats reasonable control including but in no way limited to Act of God (or whatever you call him/her) war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, compliance with any law or government order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, fire, flood, storm, adverse weather, default of suppliers or technical or maintenance problems with transport and changes of schedules or operational decision of transport providers, closures of airports or any unforeseeable or unavoidable event beyond the control of Catherine Deveny Gunnas Writing Retreats or its suppliers.

Travel Insurance

Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats do not reimburse travel costs or other losses incurred in the event of cancellation by us or you.
We recommend that you take out travel insurance to cover potential loss arising from cancellation or other eventuality affecting your booking, including reimbursement of fees, travel or other costs.

Luggage and Personal possessions

Catherine Devenys Gunnas International Writing Retreats cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of your luggage or personal possessions.
Bring valuables at your own risk. Jewellery, cameras, electronic equipment and other items of value should be insured or left at home.

Health and Wellbeing

Catherine Devenys Gunnas International Writing Retreats are designed by us and will combine at least one of the following elements:

  1. Accommodation
  2. Writing activities
  3. Creative therapy
  4. Two meals per day included
  5. Additional services that will form part of your experience.

Any illness or injuries you may incur as a result of your own negligence or that of a fellow participant is your responsibility and you will not be entitle to compensation.
We strongly recommend you make sure you are covered for medical assistance and treatment.


Catherine Devenys Gunnas International Writing Retreats operates a supportive and inclusive environment. It is expected that all participants will be tolerant, understanding and respectful to all other participants and help foster an atmosphere conducive to creativity.
We reserve the right to refuse a place and/or to exclude or remove from a retreat any writer/participant who behaves in an abusive or disruptive manner or engages in any discriminatory conduct. No refund will be given if exclusion or removal is made for these reasons.
Please note: Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats reserves the right to contact the relevant authorities in any situation it feels it is warranted.

Damage and Cleaning

Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats venues are your home during your stay so please treat them with respect and care. We will seek reimbursement for any damage caused or excessive cleaning required as a result of your stay.


Pets are not permitted on any of our retreats.


A place on a retreat may be used by the named person only. It may not be transferred to another person without agreement in advance. Please note that you are not permitted to have guests or visitors on site during your stay.
If this is a gift voucher, it is the responsibility of the purchaser/booker and/or attendee to inform Catherine Deveny Gunnas Weekend Writing Retreats of all relevant details of the attendee, no less that 8 weeks prior to the commencement of the retreat.
Please Note: Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats reserves the right to decline any participant at her discretion.


Responsible consumption of alcohol is expected and all participants consuming alcohol must be over the age of 18 years.
Responsible consumption includes the following:
making sure you’re safe; making sure other people are safe; avoiding dangerous situations and minimising the risks to yourself and others.
Catherine Deveny Gunnas International Writing Retreats take no responsibility for alcohol consumption or any actions that are a direct result of alcohol consumption.
All participants need to be aware that you may be requested to refrain from drinking alcohol during creative sessions and until the session is completed.

Fee & Payment Terms

Upon successful payment of the retreat fee a contract is formed for the agreed program to be delivered.
The full fee is payable eight (8) weeks before the commencement of the course unless agreed otherwise on confirmation of booking.
In the event that the balance is not paid, Catherine Deveny will have the discretion to treat the booking as cancelled by the client and to re-sell the course place, the fee paid by the client will be retained by Catherine Deveny

Participation, access and special requirements

Catherine Devenys International Writing Retreats is committed to providing a supportive and welcoming environment to all. Where special requests for room allocation, diet considerations etc are required, our team must be made aware of them in writing at the time of booking. Whilst every effort will be made to ensure that these requests are fulfilled, they cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, we will not be liable for claims for consequential loss where written advice of special needs and requirements has not been received in writing at the time of booking.

Privacy and data

By booking, you agree that we may collect and store personal information about you and your interactions with Catherine Deveny International Writing Retreats. These include: your personal contact details; gender; details of your booking and booking history, including any dietary needs you have told us about; records of payments (not including credit/debit cards numbers etc.), any correspondence and any other information we need to keep in order to administer your booking. All personal information is kept securely on electronic systems. We do not store payment card details.
We will use this information to communicate with you about your booking and we may, unless you tell us otherwise, communicate with you occasionally about our work and other retreats and support for writers that we offer. We never share or sell information about our participants with any third party, either in aggregate or in individual form.

Comments and complaints

While Catherine Deveny International Writing Retreats makes every effort to provide a high quality experience for all, you may on occasion want to offer comments or make a complaint. At the end of every retreat, we give you the opportunity to provide feedback through our evaluation form but if you feel this is not sufficient, you may wish to make a formal complaint.
Note that all complaints should be made, in writing, within ten working days of the end of your retreat.
Please note: At any time, you feel you need to talk to someone about a situation, please do not hesitate or wait till the end of the retreat. Everyone has the right to be in a safe secure environment.